Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Weekend

This weekend could have been vetter. It all started saturday when i went to see my dad in Perry. Well I was upstairs when all of a sudden I heard a loud thud. next thing i know my dad is black out on the floor and we take him to the hospital. Well just in case you dont know my dad was diagnosised with cancer about four years ago. well we ended up stying at the hospital all weekend and I am super tired. But at the starting of the week the new Devil Wears Prada cd came out and it made it all better. Dad is home now and doing better and I hope it stays that way for a while.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Food Stores

So today i havfe decided to blog on all the big food company's that we have all come to know and somewhat love. So lets start with Publix, to me they are to freakin expensive. I mean last time i checked i dont have one million dollars to spend on grocery's. I mean they do have some good deals sometimes but most of the time i have to spend tons of money in the store just to get what i want. Next we can talk about Kroger. First of all Kroger never gives me enough hurs to work and it pisses me off. I would like to have some money to spend on myself but thanks to my wonderful job i really dont. To me Kroger is one of the most disorganized grocey stores i know. I believe this because miost of the managers run around like a chicken with their head cut off. Finally I will get on Food Lion, well there is not much to say about them because nobody shops their anymore. Everytime i go by a Food Lion nobody is even their so why are they even still open. To me they are just wasting electricity that could be use somewhere else in the world like Iceland. Well this is my rant for the day and if you dont like it....well to bad this aint your blog now is it. So go away and read a book and get off the computer.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yep its a Tuesday

Well the weekend went by fast and it sucked. Back here at school at 9:30 in the morning and i would much rather be back in my bed asleep. Went and saw that movie Dont Be Afraid of the Dark...and yes it was trash. All it consisted of was another rewrite of the tooth fairy legend. The little demons wanted little childrens teeth. They better be glad i didnt get up and walk out of the movie. Thats only because im to freakin lazy. Other than that my weekend was pretty chilled and that the way i like it. Cant wait to see what school thows at me this weekend. Hope its not anything hard.